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AMALTHEA4public / org.eclipse.app4mc
Eclipse Public License 2.0APP4MC Source Code w. automated build (hourly on change)
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appstacle-public / hello-world
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This repository extends the org.eclipse.app4mc.cloud.migration service that is originally located at https://git.eclipse.org/c/app4mc/org.eclipse.app4mc.cloud.git/ by CI/CD. Changes to the original eclipse repository will be automatically rebased.
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APP4MC Source Code w. automated build (hourly on change)
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RPublic / a4mcar_required_modules
Eclipse Public License 1.0This repo includes data required for the A4MCar that is not applicable to EPL.
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This repository extends the org.eclipse.app4mc.cloud.manager service that is originally located at https://git.eclipse.org/c/app4mc/org.eclipse.app4mc.cloud.git/ by CI/CD. Changes to the original eclipse repository will be automatically rebased.
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This repository extends the org.eclipse.app4mc.cloud.validation service that is originally located at https://git.eclipse.org/c/app4mc/org.eclipse.app4mc.cloud.git/ by CI/CD. Changes to the original eclipse repository will be automatically rebased.
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The REST service that generates the activation patterns of Amalthea models
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