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Commit bb73ec54 authored by Harald Mackamul's avatar Harald Mackamul
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Updated migration help

parent 232c9ad5
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Tags releases/0.7.2
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......@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ h3. Additional details
For details regarding the below topics, refer to the corresponding links:
# "How model elements are migrated across various versions ?":./model_changes_migration_behavior.html#metamodel-changes
# "How model elements are migrated across various versions ?":./meta_model_changes.html#metamodel-changes
# "How to update models to contain UUID ?":./prerequisites_for_model_migration.html#migration-uuid
# "How to update max heap memory used by the application ?":./prerequisites_for_model_migration.html#migration-vm-args
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......@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ table(classic){margin-left:40px}.
|DeviationRunnableItem|SW Model|Content of DeviationRunnableItem i.e RunnableItem is moved directly inside the Group as a part of "items" list|
|EventConfigElement, EventConfigLink|Config Model|Both EventConfigElement and EventConfigLink objects are converted as EventConfig objects (As EventConfigElement & EventConfigLink classes are removed from the MetaModel - as per the semantics equivalent class for both of them is EventConfig). In case of migrating EventConfigElement - If definition of EntityEvent element is present as a sub-element -> it is moved to Events Model and the corresponding reference to EntityEvent is established inside EventConfig using attribute "event"|
|OsBuffering|OS Model|OsBuffering elements are migrated as OsDataConsistency elements. Below steps describe the criteria considered for migration of data : !(gray_scale)../pictures/OSBuffering_migration_071_072.png!|
|LabelBufferring|SW Model|LabelBufferring elements are migrated as DataStability elements. Below steps describe the criteria considered for migration of data :<br> - If LabelBuffering value is "buffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "CustomProtection"<br> - If LabelBuffering value is "notBuffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "noProtection" <br>- If LabelBuffering value is "_undefined_" (default) then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "_undefined_" (default)
|LabelAccessBufferring|SW Model|LabelAccessBufferring elements are migrated as DataStability elements. Below steps describe the criteria considered for migration of data :<br> - If LabelAccessBufferring value is "inherited" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "inherited"<br> - If LabelAccessBufferring value is "buffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "customProtection" <br> - If LabelAccessBufferring value is "notBuffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "noProtection" <br>- If LabelAccessBufferring value is "_undefined_" (default) then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "_undefined_" (default)
|LabelBufferring|SW Model|LabelBufferring elements are migrated as DataStability elements. Below steps describe the criteria considered for migration of data :<br/> - If LabelBuffering value is "buffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "CustomProtection"<br/> - If LabelBuffering value is "notBuffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "noProtection" <br/>- If LabelBuffering value is "_undefined_" (default) then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "_undefined_" (default)
|LabelAccessBufferring|SW Model|LabelAccessBufferring elements are migrated as DataStability elements. Below steps describe the criteria considered for migration of data :<br/> - If LabelAccessBufferring value is "inherited" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "inherited"<br/> - If LabelAccessBufferring value is "buffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "customProtection" <br/> - If LabelAccessBufferring value is "notBuffered" then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "noProtection" <br/>- If LabelAccessBufferring value is "_undefined_" (default) then the corresponding value of "dataStability" is set as "_undefined_" (default)
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
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<toc label="Converters dev Guide Root" link_to="../">
<topic label="Model Migration">
<link toc="toc/developers_guide-toc.xml"/>
<link toc="toc/model_changes_migration_behavior-toc.xml"/>
<link toc="toc/meta_model_changes-toc.xml"/>
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